Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Not-So-Wet-Not-So-Dry Curry Sotong

Ingredients :

2-3 medium size squid (sotong) - cleaned and cut into rings
1/2 Big Onions - sliced it
3 cloves of garlic
5-6 Chili Padi - cut diagonally
1/2 bowl of assam water
3 teaspoon of curry powder (fish) mixed with 3 spoons of water
2 daun limau purut - sliced it thinly


  1. Heat the wok - fry the chilies and garlic until fragrant. Add the curry mixture - fry till dry.
  2. Add the asam water and let it boil for 5 mins.
  3. Add squids (sotong), sliced limau purut and the sliced onions.
  4. Stir till cook.
  5. Serve with hot white rice!

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